Mornings With Mommy - All 5 Weeks
Mornings with Mommy is a program for toddlers to attend with a parent or caregiver. It is a fun and easy way for you to enjoy activities with your child in a relaxed preschool setting and meet other parents.
Date: Themes we will explore - Bible Story
March 4th: Colors and Shapes - Jesus Heals 10 Sick Men
March 11th: Moon, Stars, and Night-Time - Mary and Martha
March 18th: Fun with Food - Jesus Feeds 5,000
March 25th: Rain, Clouds, and Puddles - The Good Samaritan
April 1st: Frogs, Ducks, and Pond Animals - Jesus Rides into Jerusalem
You may also sign up for individual weeks.
Mornings with Mommy is a program for toddlers to attend with a parent or caregiver. It is a fun and easy way for you to enjoy activities with your child in a relaxed preschool setting and meet other parents.
Date: Themes we will explore - Bible Story
March 4th: Colors and Shapes - Jesus Heals 10 Sick Men
March 11th: Moon, Stars, and Night-Time - Mary and Martha
March 18th: Fun with Food - Jesus Feeds 5,000
March 25th: Rain, Clouds, and Puddles - The Good Samaritan
April 1st: Frogs, Ducks, and Pond Animals - Jesus Rides into Jerusalem
You may also sign up for individual weeks.
Mornings with Mommy is a program for toddlers to attend with a parent or caregiver. It is a fun and easy way for you to enjoy activities with your child in a relaxed preschool setting and meet other parents.
Date: Themes we will explore - Bible Story
March 4th: Colors and Shapes - Jesus Heals 10 Sick Men
March 11th: Moon, Stars, and Night-Time - Mary and Martha
March 18th: Fun with Food - Jesus Feeds 5,000
March 25th: Rain, Clouds, and Puddles - The Good Samaritan
April 1st: Frogs, Ducks, and Pond Animals - Jesus Rides into Jerusalem
You may also sign up for individual weeks.