Lesson 1

“Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first-fruits of all your crops”    

 Proverbs 3:9 

הוֹן Enough, riches, substance, wealth.

The noun means “wealth.” but its use is poetic. It is used twenty-six times, in Prov. (19 times) and in Ezk., Ps., and Song. The basic meaning of the noun is “goods” or “substance” in sufficient quantity to be considered “riches” or “wealth”. The meaning of “goods” or “wealth” may have developed from the idea of that which is usually considered necessary to make life “easy.”

 —Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, p.213.

The management of wealth is called Stewardship.  Comment  on  the following  definitions of Christian stewardship.  What  are their strengths?  their  weaknesses?  Which  one(s) do you prefer?  Why?Stewardship  is  the  management  of  God's  mission  using  God's  resources.

    • Stewardship is a believer's response to divine truth.  

    • Stewardship is what I do after I say I believe.  

    • Stewardship is the practice of the Christian religion.  

    • Stewardship is the action of the indwelling Christ.  

    • Stewardship is a living expression of one's faith in Christ crucified.  

    • Stewardship-in the broad sense-is sanctification. 

Truth 1

A proper understanding of Christian stewardship begins with the understanding that stewardship is [a part of] the Christian’s life of sanctification.

  • Sanctification:

“A medical act of God performed in the heart of man, which produces an inherent habitual righteousness as compared with justification, which is “a declaratory act of God” performed outside of man, which imputes to man a foreign righteousness.”

  • Comment on the following 

“Christ said, “Go make disciples.”  He didn’t say “Go raise money.”

Truth 2

Sanctification, because of the lingering presence of the old man, is unlike justification, which is instant and complete.  Sanctification is a process and is always incomplete (Luther says the Christian is “simul justus et peccator” “at the same time _________ and _________.")

  • Peccator 

Ephesians 4:22 - What motivates Peccator?

1 Corinthians 2:14 - Why is Peccator unwilling and unable to accept what God says?

Romans 8:7-8 - What is the attitude of Peccator toward God?  What can’t it do?

  • The effects of Peccator on stewardship 

Peccator changes 1 Corinthians 10:31 to read, “whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of _______.”

Pecattor does not ask, “what can I do for _______?  But what is in it for _______?

Peccator loves _______ rather than _______.

  • Justus 

2 Corinthians 5:17 - What has Justus become?

Romans 6:6-7 - To what is Justus no longer a slave?

Romans 7:22 - How does Justus feel about God’s will?

  • The effects of Justus on stewardship 

Justus confesses, “whatever you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of _______.”

Justus does not ask, “what is in it for _______?  But what what can I do for _______?

Justus loves _______ rather than _______.

  • Agree/Disagree 

“How one chooses to use their money is a deeply personal issue and should not be discussed.”

Truth 3

Growth in Christian stewardship, occurs as the new man gains ascendancy over the old man.  Such growth is effected through a proper use of law and gospel.  

  • The purpose of the Law 

Romans 3:20  - For what purpose did God give us His law?

Romans 6:23 - With what does God’s law threaten the sinner?

  • The law’s effect on stewardship 

The law can never, with all its commands, threats, and promises, produce a single _______ _______.  Peccator can only bet to _______, not _______.

The law, therefore, can never produce the _______ _______ of Christian stewardship.

The law also serves the purpose of _______ grateful Christians in they lives as stewards.  

  • The purpose of the Gospel 

Matthew 9:13 - What does the gospel announce to the sinner?

1 Peter 1:23 - What does God bring about through the gospel?

John 15:5 - What does the gospel produce and empower? 

  • The gospel's effect on stewardship 

The gospel produces an “I _______” rather than an “I _______” attitude toward stewardship. 

The gospel produces _______, even _______, displays of Christ-honoring love.

  • Comment on the following 

“It is because of your greed and selfishness that we are running a deficit on our budget.”

Truth 4

All behavior is motivated, but not all behavior is properly motivated.  God-pleasing stewardship motivation flows from the gospel, not the law.

  • What is gospel motivation? 

Complete the following sentences:

Romans 12:1-2 - Gospel-motivated behavior is…

1 John 4:19 - Gospel-motivated behavior is…

2 Corinthians 5:15 - Gospel-motivated behavior is…

  • Agree / Disagree 

Christians give because they love Jesus.

A lie

Happiness is found in the accumulation of wealth. 

Contrary to popular opinion, the truth is happiness is found not in the _______ of wealth but in its _______.

  • Christians find happiness in the distribution of their wealth.  

Proverbs 3:9 - Christians distribute wealth to…

1 Timothy 5:8 - Christians distribute wealth to…

Ephesians 4:28 - Christians distribute wealth to…

Romans 13:6-7 - Christians distribute wealth to…

Luke 5:16 - Christians distribute wealth to…


Lesson 3


Lesson 2